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Our Curriculum Videos

What a student Can Learn



The first video to watch is the 123 System it shows you how to teach the student to understand direction in a multi-sensory way.  All our curriculum is based from the123 System then you can teach in a directional visual spatial way for them to understand and learn the rest of the curriculum below.

123 System

Coming Soon
Notebook and Pen

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Handwriting, Reading & Spelling
Coming Soon

The handwriting program is designed to teach the student to code the alphabet in a directional visual spatial way with linking it to its directional sounds.  This program teaches print and cursive and the student is able to write, read the alphabet and is able to link verbs (Changing Letters) and consonants (Constant Letters) from this writing program.  The student also learns alphabetical order forward and backwards.  Once the handwriting is completed it goes straight to learning to read and spell.  It teaches syllabication so they can break words into small chunks and it teaches spelling rules in a directional visual spatial format.This program teaches phonemic awareness, phonics, decoding, & spelling all in a Directional Visual Spatial way for fast learning.


Coming Soon
Opening a Lock

This program teaches how to open a master lock.  It teaches in a directional way that creates a visual spatial picture.  They will be opening their lock in no time. .

Tying Shoes
Coming Soon

Teach the student to tie the shoe based on the 123 System.  It takes the guessing out of how to tie your shoe once direction is understood and the language is taken out. They learn quickly in 1 to 2 sessions. 

Coming Soon

Teach your student all about horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines in a visual and spatial way.

Coming Soon

The Writing program teaches the student how to write a paragraph and essay it teaches it in a directional visual spatial way for them to learn the pattern of writing

Seasons & Months

The student will learn each season with the corresponding months by tapping into a directional visual spatial picture which will help them learn in a sequential visual fun way.

Coming Soon

The mathematics program teaches the student the direction of the numbers and the place where the numbers permanently live which then the student can do mental addition and subtraction problems by moving the placement to get the answer.  Corrects the mixing up of addition and subtraction signs.  Then the student can learn multiplication in a visual spatial way.  Teaches how to multiply a 2 or 3 digit problem.  Long Division is also taught in a visual spatial way.  Odd and even is also taught to the student so they understand the concept and know the odd and even numbers. We also teach the placement of place value. We can also teach multiplication  by simply skip counting by their 5's.


When teaching time, we teach the directional components of the clock itself so the students have an understanding of the whole clock. Then they are able to tell time quite efficiently.

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Coming Soon
Days of the Week

Student learns the Days of the Week using a simple directional visual spatial picture to remember the days of the week and then retrieving the information is a breeze.  Student learns in a visual spatial multi-sensory way so it stays in the working memory.

Visual Spelling
Coming Soon

A quick visual spatial way to study for spelling test.  Your child will find it quite easy to to study for spelling tests.

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Learn How Many Days Each Month Contains
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Sound Waves

Learn how to remember the phonic sounds to the picture.  It is just a pattern of fun learning.  Learn Mountain Sounds (ending mn, mb).  Learn beginning sound kn, gn and ending mp.  Biggest Mountain Wins!

Coming Soon
Counting Money

Teaches the student how to count change and convert change into dollars.. The student learns to count paper money and simply counting by their 5's and doing a little addition and subtraction and visualization.

Coming Soon
Learn Past, Present, and Future
               Coming Soon

They learn to place the concept Past, Present and Future on themselves and in front and back of themselves to create a visual spatial picture of the words.   Then they are able to learn tenses in the same format in a directional visual spatial way.  It puts it in perspective for them to understand directional words.

Even and Odd Numbers
          Coming Soon

Students will learn about even and odd numbers in definition and in a visual spatial way.

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